7703 Floyd Curl Drive, Mail Code 7892
San Antonio, TX 78229-3900
Phone: 210-567-3381
Fax: 210-567-3389
Office of the Chairman
Department Chairman
Name | Phone | |
Anibal Diogenes, DDS, MS, PhD Department of Endodontics Chair | diogenes@uthscsa.edu |
Name | Phone | |
Sarah Saenz-Warren Manager of Finance and Administration | saenzs3@uthscsa.edu | 210-567-3385 |
Name | Phone | |
Asma Khan, BDS, PhD Director of Undergraduate Program in Endodontics | khana2@uthscsa.edu | 210-567-3399 |
Kathryn Garcia Administrative Assistant | garciak7@uthscsa.edu | 210-577-3381 |
Name | Phone | |
diogenes@uthscsa.edu |
Name | Phone | |
Director of Advanced Education in Endodontics | ruparel@uthscsa.edu | 210-567-3396 |
Tammy Dobberstine Academic Program Coordinator | dobberstine@uthscsa.edu | 210-450-3602 |
Name | Phone | |
Nikita Ruparel, D.D.S., MS, Ph.D. | ruparel@uthscsa.edu | |
Anibal Diogenes, D.D.S., MS, Ph.D. | diogenes@uthscsa.edu | |
Scott Janse, D.D.S., M.S. | janse@uthscsa.edu | |
Meredith Overstreet, D.D.S. | ||
Sarah Fayazi, D.D.S. | ||
Yoav Shiloah, D.D.S. | shiloah@uthscsa.edu | |
Asma Khan, D.D.S., Ph.D. | khana2@uthscsa.edu | |
William A. Walker III, D.D.S., M.S. | walkerw@uthscsa.edu | |
Arron Vaughn, DDS | ||
Gautum Shirodkar, BDS | ||
Ahmad Rayyan, DDS | ||
Dana Mominkhan, BDS, DScD | mominkhan@uthscsa.edu | |
Nicholas Dybdal-Hargreaves, D.D.S, Ph.D. | ||
Gary Benjamin, D.M.D. |
Clinical Staff
Name | Phone | |
Hugo Frias Dental Assistant | friash@uthscsa.edu | |
Alyssa Limas Dental Assistant | limasa@uthscsa.edu | |
Mary Jane Rodriguez Patient Services Representative | rodriguezm71@uthscsa.edu | |
Sorelena Martinez Patient Services Representative-Assistant | martinezsp@uthscsa.edu | |
Ana Fridley | sharpfridley@uthscsa.edu | |
Clarissa Mendoza | santillanmen@uthscsa.edu |
Name | Phone | |
Director of Research | ruparels@uthscsa.edu | 210-567-4413 |
Name | Phone | |
Anibal Diogenes, D.D.S., M.S., Ph.D. | diogenes@uthscsa.edu | |
Kenneth Hargreaves, D.D.S., Ph.D. | hargreaves@uthscsa.edu | 210-567-3381 |
Armen Akopian, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. | akopian@uthscsa.edu | 210-567-6668 |
Asma Khan, B.D.S., Ph.D. | khana2@uthscsa.edu | 210-567-3385 |
Nikita B. Ruparel, D.D.S., M.S., Ph.D. | ruparel@uthscsa.edu | 210-567-6668 |
Shivani Ruparel, M.S., Ph.D | ruparels@uthscsa.edu | 210-567-4413 |
Research/Laboratory Staff
Name | Phone | |
Emilio Puente Laboratory Helper | puentee@uthscsa.edu | 210-567-6668 |