
Íø±¬³Ô¹Ï Physicians

Contact Lenses

Contact lens fitting

The physician's practice of Íø±¬³Ô¹Ï's optometrists provide exams and fittings for a variety of contact lenses.

Looking for a vacation from your glasses, but still want to optimize your vision? A wide variety of contact lens options are available, including those for astigmatism and other corneal disorders (keratoconus). Íø±¬³Ô¹Ï Physicians optometrists will personally work with you to help you decide what options are the best fit for you.

Contact lens fittings include:

  • Soft contact lenses
  • Rigid gas permeable contact lenses
  • Scleral contact lenses

Make an appointment

Please call 210-450-9400 for more information or to make an appointment.