
Long School of Medicine

National Public Health Week - MD/MPH Program

2024 - Protecting, Connecting and Thriving: We are all Public Health

April 1 - 7, 2024

Monday - Civic Engagement

Picture of students listening to speakers from Metro Health


The Policy and Civic Engagement (PaCE) Office came to speak to the MD/MPH Class of 2027 cohort about initiatives they are coordinating with bringing forth public health initiatives, such as food insecurity. 

Tuesday - Healthy Neighborhoods

Picture of program leadership and students volunteering at the San Antonio Food Bank.


For this year’s MD/MPH Program Day of Service, program leadership and students volunteered at the San Antonio Food Bank, helping to put together 10,560 meals of produce for various neighborhoods.

Wednesday - Climate Change


Thursday - New Tools and Innovations

Headshot of Dr. Robles-Ramamurthy


Dr. Barbara Robles-Ramamurthy is a triple board-certified Adult, Child and Adolescent and Forensic Psychiatrist and mental health equity expert.  Her work aims to advance the mental health care of historically marginalized communities, including immigrants, asylum seekers, LGBTQ+ youth, and legal system impacted youth and families.  Her current area of focus includes democratization of therapeutic tools via task shifting and strategic, cross-sectoral partnerships.  

Friday - Reproductive and Sexual Health

Headshot of Dr. John Byrne


Dr. John Byrne's current work is looking into the impact of maternal levels of care on obstetrical transports in the region, and severe maternal morbidity associated with placenta accreta spectrum disorder and postpartum hemorrhage. He practices in clinic, conducts research with an emphasis on health outcomes and public health, and mentors and teaches students at the Long SOM.  

Saturday - Emergency Preparedness

Headshot of Dr. Rachelle Hamblin


Dr. Rachelle Hamblin, Class of 2020, is currently a board-certified family medicine physician and currently works closely with the San Antonio Fire Department on cancer prevention research with local, national, and international partners; teaches at the Fire Training Academy; advocates for occupational cancer prevention and treatment at local, state, and national levels; assists with cancer screenings; and educates both physicians and firefighters on occupational cancer.

Sunday - Future of Public Health

Headshot of Dr. Autumn Chidester


Dr. Autumn Chidester, Class of 2023, is currently a first-year resident in OBGYN.  During her time in the program, Autumn focused on public health research, taking a year off to coordinate an HIV vaccine trial and working with Dr. Taylor on creating a Youth Living with HIV advisory board.  Dr. Chidester has recently published on her work with this advisory board in the Journal of Adolescent Health.