
Long School of Medicine

Kristen Ott

About me

I’m from San Antonio. I speak Spanish with the same proficiency as Peggy Hill and am always eager to practice. I watch way too much Sponge Bob for an adult. I have a cat who I’ve given like 20 names to but none of them seem to stick so if you have any suggestions?


My hobbies include magnets, denim chicken and cooking milk steak with jelly beans. I also enjoy hiking and tennis. I’m interested in oncology.

Topics I feel comfortable talking about

I’m comfortable talking about ANYTHING.

What I hope to gain from this experience

Undergrad was a very stressful time for me and it would be very rewarding to me to provide comfort to other who are going through similar problems.

How to contact me

Email (otk@livemail.uthscsa.edu)