
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences

Kathryn Kelly

DMP Student

Katie is a third year Doctorate of Medical Physics (DMP) student in her clinical rotation at MD Anderson Mays Cancer Center. She graduated from the University of Tennessee with her Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Engineering (radiological concentration) in 2017 before doing research work with the Center for Radiation Protection Knowledge at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.


B.S., Nuclear Engineering, University of Tennessee, 2017 


Dewji, SA; Bales K; Asano, E; Veinot, K; Eckerman, K; Hart, S; Finklea, L; Ansari A. Estimation of external contamination and exposure rates due to fission product release. Health Physics Journal. 2020

Bales, K; Dewji, SA. Comparison of organ and effective photon dose coefficients for reference phantoms in articulated and upright postures in cranial and caudal irradiation geometries. Health Physics Journal. 2019

Dewji, SA; Bales, K; Griffin, K; Lee, C; Hiller, M. Age-dependent comparison of monoenergetic photon organ and effective dose coefficients for pediatric stylized and voxel phantoms submerged in air. Physics in Medicine & Biology. 2018

Bales, K; Dewji, S; Sanchez, E. Comparison of neutron organ and effective dose coefficients for PIMAL stylized phantom in bent postures in standard irradiation geometries. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics. 2018