Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences

Radiological Sciences Alumni

M.S. Graduates

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Y𲹰 Name Thesis Title Supervisor Current Occupation Board Certification
2022 Sonnemann, Sophia The Use of Nanodot Dosimeters to Determine Overall Dose to Interventional Radiologists Performing CT-Guided Procedures Charlton Health Physicist
2021 Saucke, Kate Analysis of a Quality Assurance Program for Intraoral Photostimulable Phosphor Plates at a Large Academic Institution and Recommendations for Programmatic Enhancements Charlton RSO
2018 Weismantel, Kristen N. Measuring Peak Skin Dose during Hepatic Inerventional Radiology Procedures using Radiochromatic Film Charlton RSO
2014 Brito Delgado, Amy "Measurements, Analysis and Comparison with Calculations of Peak Skin Doses During Common Interventional Radiology Fluoroscopy Procedures " Charlton Medical Physicist
2014 Defoor, Dewayne "Evaluation of patient specific IMRT QA methods using EPID, dynalogfiles and Treatment Planning System" Papanikolaou Medical Physicist
2014 Settles, F. David "An MR Compatible Exercise Device for Measuring PCr Recovery as an Index of Mitochondrial Metabolism" Clarke DMP Student
2014 Stanley, Dennis "Evaluation Of The Stability Of Image Quality For Modern DayLinacImaging Systems" Gutierrez Ph.D. Student
2013 Briceno, John Michael "Evaluation of Acceptance Criteria for IMRT QA using Current Commercial Dose Validation Systems" Stathakis Medical Physics Resident
2013 Cruz, Wilbert "A Comparison of Continuous Versus Discrete Data Acquisition for Linear Accelerator Dosimetric Characterization" Stathakis Medical Physicist
2013 Nateras, Oscar "Retinal-Choroidal Blood Flow Decreases With Age: An MRI Study" Duong Senior Medical Physicist
2013 Regan, Morgan "Determination and Comparison of Skin Dose During Volumetric Arc Therapy (VMAT) using Ultra-Thin TLDs" Stathakis Junior Medical Physicist
2012 Biggers, Tara "Evaluation of Treatment of Cervical Cancer with Brachytherapy" Esquivel
2012 Fox, Lindsey "The Retrospective Analysis of a Single Institution’s Clinical Experience with the Calypso System for Localization and Real-Time Tracking of the Prostate During External Beam Radiotherapy " Prete Ph.D. student
2012 Kim, Seongheon "Patient-SpecificDosimetricQuality Assurance (DQA) of High Dose, Small-Field IMRT Treatment Plans: Inter-Comparison of Multiple Commercially Available Planar Dosimeters" Gutierrez Ph.D. student
2012 Zalman, Travis "Evaluation of Dosimetry Check Software for IMRT Patient Specific Quality Assurance" Papanikolaou Medical Physicist
2011 Boone, Goldie "Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation-Induced Heating of Deep Brain Stimulation Implants: an Empirical Specific Absorption Rate Evaluation" Clarke Ph.D. student
2010 Massingill, Brian E. "Monte Carlo Modeling and Dosimetric Characterization of the Varian Novalis TX HD 120 Multileaf Collimator" Papanikolaou Medical Physicist ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
2010 Thoreson, Kelly Furman "Determining the Applicability of the Landauer Nanodot as a General Public Dosimeter in a Diagnostic Facility" Charlton
2009 Ghahremani, Shabbou "In-Vivo Dose Measurement in Urethra with MOSFET Dosimeters used in Prostate Implant Post-Plan Evaluation" Sadeghi  Medical Physicist
2009 Lanctot, Anthony "Biophysical Studies of Tendon to Elucidate Magic Angle MRI" Fullerton Radiology Research Wet Labs Manager
2009 Smith, Mark S. "ADosimetricRetrospective Analysis of Prostate Low Dose Rate Brachytherapy Planning using Multimodality Imaging" Papanikolaou Medical Physicist ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
2009 Zhao, Xiaoqiang "Skin Dose Evaluation for Different Breast Radiotherapy Techniques using GAF Chromi cFilm" Waggener
2008 Cerecero, Jennifer A. Watson "Designing, Implementing, and Conducting a Web-Based Radiation Safety Program for a Large Biomedical Research Institution" Charlton Medical Health Physicist & RSO
2008 Markovic, Miljenko "Comparison of IMRT Delivery Methods" Bice Medical Physicist
2008 Ramer, Rachelle "Application of Data Envelopment Analysis to Decisions in Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning" Papanikolaou Teacher
2008 Ruiz-Gonzalez, Nestor "Use ofGafchromicEBT Film for In-Water Measurements of Surface Dose, Buildup Region and OtherDosimetricParameters of 6, 9, 12, 16 and 20 MeV Electron Beams" Waggener Medical Physicist/USAF
2008 Witzel, Joy "Operational and Radiation Safety Guidelines for Handheld Intraoral X-Ray Systems" Charlton Junior Medical Physicist
2006 Karaszewski, Michael "Prediction of Depth Dose Curve Shifts in Small Field Clinical Electron Beams" Bice Medical Physicist MDCB: Medical Dosimetrist, ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
2006 Shirah, Jason B. "Conceptus Dose Evaluations in Multislice/Multideitector Computed Tomography: A Comparison of CTDI Values" Clarke Medical Physicist USAF
2006 Hu, Xuan "ADosimetric Evaluation of the  2000 Diamond Edition Dose Calculation Management Software"  Prete Medical Physicist ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
2005 Winter, David Scott "Investigation of the Dosimetric Characteristics of a Rotating, Curved Lumen in Mammosite HDR Brachytherapy" Sadeghi Medical Physicist/USAF ABR: Diagnostic Radiologic Physics, ABR: Medical Nuclear Physics
2004 Ludolph, Daniel "Small Field Dosimetry Comparing Measured Data Versus the ADAC Pinnacle 3 Model" Bice Medical Physicist/VAMC
2004 Patton (Voeltz), Lindsay "Characterizing the Dosimetric Impact of BAT Ultrasound Alignment for Prostate Cancer" Salter Medical Physicist ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
2004 Volgamore, Curtis "A Dosimetric Evaluation of the NOMOS Sterotactic TALON System" Salter Medical Physicist ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
2003 Padelford, Timothy "Field Experiment Method to Determine the Modulation Transfer Function of a Computed Tomography Unit" Tucker Medical Physicist
2003 Pramenko, William "Characterization of the Radiation Source Term from Radioiodine (I-131) Patients" Wiatrowski
2002 Clewlow, John "Measurement of Radiation Distribution of Soft Wedges" Waggener Medical Physicist ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
2001 Hageman, John P. "The Storage, Treatment and Disposal of Mixed Wastes Generated by Medical Facilities and Academic Institutions" Wiatrowski Principal Scientist & RSO ABHP: Certified Health Physicist
2001 Howell, Rebecca "Calculation and Comparison of Dose to Point “H” according to the American Brachytherapy Society Recommendations for High_Dose Rate Brachytherapy for Carcinoma of the Cervix to the Dose to Point “A” based on the Revised Manchester System" Wiatrowski Assistant Professor ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
1999 Vizcarra, Santiago "A Dosimetric Intercomparison of Computerized Treatment Planning Systems used in Low Energy Prostate Brachytherapy" Wiatrowski deceased ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
1999 Kiefer, Eric "Timing Influence of PostimplantTransperinealInterstitial Permanent Prostate Brachytherapy Dosimetric Analysis" Bice Medical Physicist
1998 Walker, Arlie "A Method for Predicting Electron Output Factors at Extended Distances" Watts Medical Physicist ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
1997 Blough (Miller), Melissa Anne "Calculated Mammographic Spectra Confirmed with Attenuation Curves for Molybdenum, Rhodium and Tungsten Targets" Waggener Chief of Medical Physics ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
1996 Balivada, Sudha "Methodology of Dose Calculations for High-Energy X-ray Fields with Blocks and Wedges" Watts Chief Medical Physicist ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
1996 Rajpatyal,Baldey "Longitudinal Relaxation and Diffusion Measurements using Magnetic Resonance Signals from Laser Hyper-polarized 129-Xe Nuclei" R.F. Williams
1995 Franco-Cabrera, Maria del Carmen "Design of a Quality Control Program in Diagnostic Imaging Appropriate for Application in Mexican Institutions" Fullerton Medical Physicist, Mexico
1995 Giles, Edwin "Characterization of the Ionizing Radiation Source Term in a Large Medical Facility" Wiatrowski Instructor in Medical Physics ABR: Diagnostic Radiologic Physics; ABSNM: Nuclear Medicine Physics & Instrumentation; ABSNM: Radiation Protection
1995 Lankipalli, BhujangaRao "Evaluating Methods of Detecting Brain Boundaries in PET O-15 Water Activation Scans" Fox Staff Physicist ABMP: Diagnostic Imaging Physics; ABMP: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Physics
1994 Dominguez-Tinoco, Jose Antonio "Iridium-192 Radioactive Source Calibration for High Dose Rate Brachytherapy" Wiatrowski Medical Physicist ABMP: Radiation Oncology Physics
1994 Sadeghi, Kevin Amir "Brachytherapy Dose Inhomogeneity Correction using I-125 Seeds in the Management of Carcinoma of the Nasopharynx" Bice Chief of Medical Physics ABR: Radiation Oncology Physics

Ph.D. Graduates

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Y𲹰 Name Dissertation Title Supervisor Current Occupation Board Certification
2024 Grover, Hannah "Dosimetric Impact of Iodinated Contrast Agent on Fibroglandular Tissue in Contrast-Enhanced Digital Mammography" Sampson Medical Physics Resident
2024 Sivabhaskar, Sruthi "The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Quality Control in Radiotherapy" Papanikolaou Medical Physics Resident
2024 Buatti, Jacob "Integrating Standardized Head and Neck Radiotherapy Data with Deep Learning for Accurate Dose Predications and Assisted Treatment Planning" Kirby Medical Physics Resident
2023 Banaja, Duaa "Mapping and Network Modeling of Structural Brain Abnormalities in Addiction Disorders" Fox Associate Professor
2023 Razaqyar, Muslima "Investigation of Clinical and Neuroimaging Outcomes of Pediatric Non-Fatal Drowning" Fox Medical Student
2022 Baley, Colton "Implementation of 4D Cone-Beam Computed Tomography for Localization Accuracy and Normal Tissue Sparing in Lung Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy"  Saenz Medical Physicist
2022 Moody, Alexander "Biomarkers in Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Indicators of Aging and Metabolic Function"  Clarke Postdoctoral Researcher 
2022 Li, Ruiqi "A Robust Treatment Planning Framework that Accounts for Weekly Lung Tumor Shrinkage using Cone Beam Computed Tomography Images with a Deep Learning-based Model"  Papanikolaou Medical Physics Resident 
2022 Bry, Victoria "Clinical Implementation of Surface Guided Imaging for Specialty Applications in Radiation Therapy"  Rasmussen Radiation Oncology Physicist
2021 Vasquez, Juan "Diffusion Weighted Imaging and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy"  Clarke Medical Physics Resident 
2021 Rembish, Jacob "Automating Medical Physics Quality Assurance Tasks in Radiation Oncology"  Myers and Stathakis Medical Physicist
2021 Bice, Noah "Latent Space Arc Therapy Optimization"  Kirby Medical Physicist
2020 Chiang, Florence "Validation of the Atrophy-based Functional network Model in Multiple Sclerosis"  Fox Neuroradiology Fellow
2020 Ruiz Gonzalez, Nestor "A Device for Beam Quality Measurements in Computed Tomography"  Clarke Unknown
2020 Parenica, Holly "Clinical Implementation of Monte Carlo Modeling of the Elekta Versa HD with the Agility Collimator Head"  ٲٳ󲹰쾱  Assistant Professor
2020 Leonardo, Cassandra "Genetic Influence over Age-related Functional Connectivity Changes within the Default Mode Network of the Aging Brain"  Fox Resident Physician
2020 Gray, Jodie "Structural and Functional Alterations in Major Depressive Disorder: A Multi-Model Meta-Analytic Approach to Network Modeling"  Fox Engineer/Scientist II
2020 Bassiri, Nema "Dosimetric Effects of Inhomogeneous Media for Sub-MeV Photon Radiotherapy"  Rasmussen and Kirby Radiation Oncology Physicist
2019 Vanasse, Tom "Form and Function of Large-Scale Brain Networks: A Transdiagnostic and Independent Evaluation"  Fox Machine Learning Engineer
2019 Kotkowski, Eithan "Characterizing the Neural Signature of Metabolic Syndrome"  Fox Neurology Resident
2019 Kabat, Christopher "Radiation Oncology Ideal Plan Assistant and Plan Quality Assessment Toolkit"  Papanikolaou and Stathakis Assistant Professor
2019 Brito Delgado, Amy "The Analytical Hierarchy Process as a Tool for Treatment Plan Quality Analysis in Radiation Therapy"  Rasmussen and Gutierrez Medical Physicist
2018 Alexandrian, Ara "Advancements in Radiotherapy Planning using Quantitative Scoring Methodology"  ٲٳ󲹰쾱  Medical Physicist
2018 McConnell, Kristen Alycia "Clinical and Biological Relevance of Deoxyribonucleic Acid Dosimeter"  Kirby Senior Proton Medical Physicist
2018 Kuo, Anderson Houyan "In Vivo Imaging of Cardiovasular Dysfunction in Adult Intrauterine Growth Restricted Offspring Baboons" Clarke Neuroradiology Fellow
2017 Obeidet Ali, Mohammad "Radiotherapy Measurements with a DNA Double-Strand-Break Dosimeter" Kirby Resident
2017 Rodriguez, Pavel "Efficacy of Methylene Blue in Rodent Stroke and Human Cognitive Function" Fox and Duong Assistant Professor  į
2016 Ishaque, Mariam "Investigation of Pediatric Anoxic Brain Injury with Nonfatal Drowning using MRI" Fox Neurosurgery Resident  į
2016 Li, Karl "Quantifying Default Mode Network Connectivity for Biomarker Generation using Structural Equation Modeling" Fox Postdoctoral  Researcher
2016 Ripley, Erika "Quantitative Mitochondrial Dynamics in Skeletal Muscle of Type 2 DiabetesSusbjectsUsing 31-Phosphorus Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy" Clarke Medical Physicist
2016 Roth, Caleb Culp "The Role of Nanosecond Electric Pulse-Induced Mechanical Stress in Cellular Nanoporation" Glickman Research Scientist USAF
2016 Stanley, Dennis Nichols "Characterization and Evaluation of Ionizing and Non-ionizing Surface-Based Imaging Systems used in State-of-the-Art Image-Guided Radiation Therapy Techniques" Stathakis Associate Professor
2016 Tavakoli, Sina "Metabolic Divergence of PolarizedMacrophages: Implications for Non-invasive Imaging of Vessel Wall Inflammation" Asmis Assistant Professor
2016 Zhou, Wei "MRI of Visual Pathway in Glaucoma" Duong Assistant Professor
2015 Bergamo, Angelo "Possibilities and Implications of Biological Dose Evaluation" Gutierrez Senior Medical Physicist
2015 Defoor, Dewayne L. "Development of an End-to-end patient Specific Dose Monitoring System using EPID and MLC Log Files" Papanikolaou Medical Physicist
2015 Jurkovic, Ines-Ana "Novel Approach to Lung Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Plan Evaluation and Delivery" Papanikolaou Medical Physicist ABR:TherapeuticMedical Physics
2015 Kauweloa, Kevin "Practical Aspects and Applications of the Biological Effective Dose Three-Dimensional Calculation for Multi-Phase Radiotherapy Treatment Plans" Papanikolaou Medical Physicist
2015 Markovic, Miljenko "Evaluation of Detectors for the Small Field Measurements used for Clinical Radiation Dosimetry" Stathakis Medical Physicist
2015 Riedel, Michael Cody "Hierarchical Perspectives in Intrinsic Brain Organization" Laird Senior Research Scientist
2015 Walker, John A. "Computed Tomography Perfusion for Assessing Vascularization in Small Animalenbloc Tissue Engineering Models" Weinke Assistant Professor
2014 Barron, Daniel "Thalamic Connectivity in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy" Fox Assistant Professor
2014 Ray, Kimberly "A Graph Theoretical Analysis of Human Intrinsic Connectivity Networks" Laird Research Post-Doc
2014 Valaparla, Sunil K. "MRI and MRS of Skeletal Muscle Lipids in Type 2 Diabetes" Clarke Medical Physicist
2013 Bresnen, Andrew " 31P Magnetization Transfer Study of Cerebral Metabolism at 11.7 Tesla" Duong Teacher
2013 Chung, Yi-Hsu (Stella) "Use of 99mTc-Labeling and Imaging Techniques for in vitro and in vivo Evaluation of Oral Liposomal Drug Delivery" Goins Research Post Doc
2013 Hardman, Rulon "Prostate MRI Sequence Development and Protocol Limitations Investigation to Improve Prostate Cancer Detection" Peng Asst. Prof. Interventional Radiology ABR: Diagnostic Radiology
2013 Huerta, Claudia "fMRI of Appetite: Implications for Obesity" Duong Diagnostic Medical Physicist
2013 Lee, Yuan-Hao (Chris) "Radioprotection of Health Cells andRadiosensitivityof Tumor Cells by a Naturally-Occurring Compound" Glickman Research Post Doc
2013 Li, Guang "Retinal and Choroidal Blood Flow Regulation in Rats" Duong Assistant Professor Radiology & Nuclear Medicine
2013 Manning, Janessa "Functional Connectivity MRI in Pediatric Populations during Natural Sleep" Fox Research Post Doc
2013 Meyers, Pamela "Pediatric Radiotherapy: Dosimetric Comparison, Radiobiological Evaluation, and Secondary Cancer Risk Estimation between Conventional and State-of-the-Art Treatments" Stathakis Assistant Professor/Medical Physicist
2012 Kasraie, Nima "Phantoms and Methods for Cardiovascular Imaging" Clarke Medical Physicist
2012 Knaup, Courtney "Radiobiological Evaluation of Low Dose-Rate Prostate" Papanikolaou Medical Physicist ABR: Therapeutic Medical Physics
2012 McKay, David Reese "The Proper Study of Humankind is Human Mind: Discovering Imaging Phenotypes" Fox Postdoctoral Fellow
2012 Page, Leland "Detection of Radiolucent Foreign Bodies Using Optoacoustic Imaging" Glickman Medical Physicist ABR: Diagnostic Medical Physics
2012 Vazquez Quino, Luis Alberto "Monte Carlo and EPID Dose Verification for Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) and Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT)" Papanikolou Medical Physicist ABR: TherapeuticMedical Physics
2012 Wang, Xudong(Alan) "Neutron Dose Equivalent Inside and Outside the Treatment Room of Varian Clinac 23EX Accelerators" Charlton Medical Physicist ABR: TherapeuticMedical Physics
2012 Ware, Steven "Image Guidance, Treatment Planning and Evaluation of Cancer Interstitial Focal Therapy Using Liposomal Radionuclides" Bao Medical Physics Resident
2012 Zhang, Yi "Anatomical, Blood Flow and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Human Retina in Healthy and Diseased States" Duong Medical Physicist ABR: Diagnostic Medical Physics
2011 Al-Senan, Rani M. "Characterization of Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dosimeters andInvestigating Their Potential for Estimating Pediatric Organ Doses in Multi-Slice Computed Tomography" Hatab Medical Physicist ABR: Diagnostic Medical Physics
2011 Buckey, Courtney "Prostate Radiotherapy: Evaluating 3D-CRT, IMRT and VMAT Delivery Techniques, and Analyzing the Effects of Varying Dose Constraints During Optimization" Stathakis Assistant Professor / Medical Physicist ABR: Therapeutic Medical Physics
2011 Calvo, Oscar "Dosimetric Evaluation and Application of Small Field Dosimetry by Means of Novel Detectors" Gutierrez Medical Physicist
2011 Fuller, Clifton David "A map is not the territory: Evaluation of hardware modification, educational intervention, and software feedback for radiotherapy target volume delineation" Papanikolaou Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology ABR: Radiation Oncology
2011 Giantsoudi, Drosoula "High Dose Rate Brachytherapy Treatment Plan Optimization Based on Biological Parameters" Papanikolaou Medical Physics Fellow
2011 Goerner, Frank "Evaluation of Image Quality in Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Partially Parallel Imaging Methods" Clarke Medical Physicist ABR: Diagnostic Medical Physics
2011 Garcia-Rojas, Xavier "Image Guided Intratumoral Therapy of Head and Neck Solid Tumors" Phillips TMCBiodesignInnovation Fellow & Radiologist at Synergy Radiology Associates ABR: Diagnostic Radiology
2011 Hrycushko, Brian "Focused Interventional Cancer Radiation Therapy Using Lipid Nanoparticle-Carried Radionuclides" Bao Medical Physicist ABR: Therapeutic Medical Physics
2011 Szegedi, Martin "Validation of Newly Deployed Computational Tools for 4D Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy by a Clinically Relevant Phantom" Salter Medical Physicist ABR: Therapeutic Medical Physics
2011 Wey, Hsiao-Ying (Monica) "Development of Multimodal MRI for Nonhuman Primate Studies and its Application to Stroke" Duong Instructor in Radiology
2011 Zhou, Anqi "Improved Image Analysis Methods for Abdominal Fat Tissue Quantification in Magnetic Resonance Imaging" Peng
2010 Dzintars, Eric "Patient Specific Independent Dose Verification for HelicalTomotherapy" Papanikolaou Medical Physicist
2010 Flowers, Laura (Strban) "Optimizing Computed Tomography Imaging for target Volume Delineation in Radiotherapy Treatment Planning" Tucker/Charlton Medical Physicist ABR: Diagnostic Radiologic Physics
2010 Guo, Bingi "Feasibility Investigation of Virtual Patient Guided Radiation Therapy (VPGRT)" Shi Medical Physicist ABR: Therapeutic Medical Physics
2010 Lee, Yongsook (Cecelia) "Quality Assurance Procedures for Multimodality Preclinical Tumor Drug Response Testing" Fullerton/Goins Assistant Professor ABR: Therapeutic Medical Physics
2010 Murray, Malcolm David "Cone Beam Computed Tomography: the Minimization of Artifacts due to Patient Respiratory Motion using MotionManagement and Image Registration" Sadeghi Therapeutic Medical Physicist
2010 Tack, Krystina M. "Low Dose Quantifiers and Patient-Determinded Urinary and Bowel Complications in Permanent Prostate Brachytherapy: Using the Expanded Prostate Cancer Index Composite, Sector Analysis, and Dose Volume Histograms" Bice Director of Medical Physics ABR: Therapeutic Medical Physics
2010 Tynan, Patricia "Development of Multi-leaf Collimator and Compensator-Based Techniques for Modulated Electron Radiotherapy" Stathakis Medical Physicist ABR: Therapeutic Medical Physics
2010 Yu, Hui "Low LET Radiation-Induced Non-Targeted Effect and Tumor Recurrance: Nuclear Factor Kappa B and Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha Mediated Positive Feedback Mechanism" Natarajan Research Post-Doctoral Fellow
2009 Chang, Ting-Tung (Anthony) "Pre-Clinical Evaluation of 64Cu-bevacizumab as a Positron Emission Tomography Agent for Cancer Detection" Goins/Wang Laboratory Director
2009 Jung, JuyoungAdam "Magnetic Resonance Imaging Methods for the Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer" Fullerton Assistant Professor of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging ABR: Diagnostic Radiology
2009 Pokharel, Ghana Shyam "A Study on Optimization Techniques in HDR Brachytherapy for the Prostate" Sadeghi Radiation Oncology Physicist ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
2009 Roland, Teboh "Preclinical Verification Studies for 4D Real Time Target Tracking Radiotherapy of Lung Cancers" Papanikolaou Medical Physicist ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
2009 Sarkar, Vikren "Uses of Megavoltage Digital Tomosynthesis in Radiotherapy" Papanikolaou Assistant Professor ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
2009 Su, Fan-Chi (Frances) "Applications of the Effective Uniform Dose to Adaptive Tomotherapy and Four-Dimensional Treatment Planning" Papanikolaou Assistant Professor ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
2009 Xu, Jun "Delivery of 4D Radiotherapy using Dynamic Multi-Leaf Collimators" Papanikolaou Medical Physicist ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
2008 Amurao, Maxwell "Investigating Collagen Hydration with Micro Computed Tomography" Fullerton Director, Medical Physics ABR: Diagnostic Radiologic Physics; ABR: Medical Nuclear Physics
2008 Cardan (Boykin), Rex A. "Characterization of Radiofrequency Ablation Zones for the Purposes of Treatment Planning" Dodd Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
2008 de la Fuente Herman, Tania. "The Impact of Dosimetric Optimization Using Respiratory Gating and Inhomogeneity Corrections on Potential Therapeutic Gain in Patients with Lung Cancer" Ahmad / Hevezi Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
2008 Lin, Lan "Development of Clinical Application of an Integrated Treatment Planning Platform for 4D Radiotherapy" Papanikolaou Clinical Medical Physicist ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
2008 Munoz, Cynthia M. "Development of a Methodology to Determine Dosimetric Accuracy of Motion Tracking in Cyberknife Using a CIRS Dynamic Phantom" Waggener Clinical Medical Physicist ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
2008 Soundararajan, Anuradha "Assessment of Therapeutic Response of Rhenium Labeled Liposomal Doxorubicin and Radiofrequency Ablation in Head and Neck Cancer" Goins Junior Medical Physicist
2008 Sramek, Benjamin K. "Scatter Correction, Intermediate View Estimation and Dose Characterization in Megavoltage Cone-Beam CT Imaging" Waggener Medical Physicist ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
2007 Rahal, Andres "Improved Specificity of MRI Diagnosis of Collagenous Lesions in Tendon" Fullerton Radiologist/Assistant Professor ABR: Diagnostic Radiology
2007 Zheng,Xiangpeng "Specificity and Feasibility of HN-5 Peptide for Diagnosis and Targeted Therapy of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinomas" Natarajan Assistant Professor
2006 Campos, Robin "Comparison of MCNPX and Measured Doses at Interfaces for Photon and Electron Beams" Waggener Medical Physicist ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
2006 Chen, HuaHsuan(Irene) "The Application of MRI and MRS in Psychiatry and Performance Evaluation of Magnetic Field Homogeneity in MRI" Soares/Clarke Medical Physicist/Instructor ABR: Diagnostic Radiologic Physics
2006 Huang, Yu-Huei(Jessica) "Monte Carlo Modeling of the Mammosite® Treatments: Dose Effects of Air Pockets" Blough Assistant Professor ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
2006 Lee, Jui-Min "Dosimetric Comparisons Between Mammosite Boost Brachytherapy and Conventional ElectronBoost Brachytherapy for Early-Stage Breast Cancer" Sadeghi Medical Physicist ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
2006 Lin, Ai-Ling "Verification of fMRI Cerebral Oxygen Metabolism Measurements by Comparison to PET" Gao Assistant Professor
2006 Naik, Mehul "Dose Calculation of Megavoltage IMRT using Convolution Kernels Extracted from Gaf Chromic EBT Film-measured Pencil Beam Profiles" Waggener Medical Physicist
2006 Nes, Elena "Derivation of Photon Energy Spectra from Transmission Measurements Using Large Fields" Waggener Medical Physicist ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
2006 Zavaleta, Cristina "The Development of Rhenium-Labeled Liposomes for the Targeted Radiotherapy of Ovarian Cancer" Goins Research Fellow
2006 Zhao, Xia "Improvement and Application of Data-Driven Analyses on Functional MRI" Gao
2005 Afrashteh, Hossein "A Backprojection Dosimetry Method for Diagnostic and Orthovoltage X-ray from 40 to 140k Vp for Patients and Phantoms" Waggener Medical Physicist/Iran
2005 Howell, Rebecca "Calculation of Whole Body Effective Dose from Measurements of Secondary Neutron Spectra and Scattered Photon Dose" Fullerton Assistant Professor ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
2005 Andrews, Trevor "Quantification of Myelin with Magnetic Resonance Imaging" Lancaster Associate Professor  ABMP: Magnetic Resonance Imaging; ABMRS: MR Safety Expert
2005 Cheek, Dennis "A Unified optimization Platform Comparison of Three Radiosurgery Techniques: Gamma Knife, Brainlab Micro-MLC and NOMOS MIMIC" Salter Medical Physicist ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
2005 Cheng, Chih-Yao "Dosimetric Impact of Multi-Directional Delivery and Beam Size on Intensity Modulation Serial Tomotherapy" Salter Regional Chief Physicist ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
2005 Krasnosselskia, Lada "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of the Collagen Matrix in Tendon" Fullerton MRI Scientist/Varian
2005 Rassiah-Szegedhi, Premavathy "Characterization of Dose in Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy of Lung Lesions via Monte Carlo Calculation" Salter Medical Physicist ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
2005 Rhoades, IV Samuel J. "The Application of Strontium-90 / Yttrium-90 for the Prevention of Abdominal Adhesions" Hevezi Medical Physicist ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
2005 Ruan, Chun "Magnetic Resonance Myocardial Perfusion Imaging for the Investigation of Coronary Artery Disease" Clarke Associate Professor ABR: Diagnostic Radiologic Physics; ABMP: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Physics
2005 Tanyi, James "Ramifications of Target Motion in Localization and Dosimetry for Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy" Salter Assistant Professor ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
2004 Yee, Seong-Hwan "Measurement of Oxygen Metabolic Rate and Hemodynamic Variables in the Rat Brain using Positron Emission Tomography" Fox Assistant Professor ABMP: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Physics
2004 Hanny, Paul A. "Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy DoseDistributions using Physical Modulators" Bice Director of Medical Physics ABR: Diagnostic Radiologic Physics,ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
2004 Lu, Cenney "6 MV X-ray Spectra Obtained by Small Field Size Attenuation Measurements in Water and their use in Small Field Size Dosimetry" Waggener Medical Physicist ABR: Therapy Physics; MDCB: Certified Medical Dosimetrist
2004 Esquivel, Carlos "Development of a Low-kVpX-Ray System for Treating Choroidal Melanoma" Waggener Assistant Professor ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
2004 Nelson, David M. "Determination of AAPM TG #43 Dosimetry Parameters for Best Industries Model 81-02 Au-198 Brachytherapy Source and their Relevance to Patient Dosimetry" Wiatrowski Chief Physicist ABMP: Radiation Oncology Physics
2003 Bao, Ande "99mTc/186Re/188Re Labeled Liposomes for Diagnostic Imaging and Tumor Radionuclide Therapy" Goins Assistant Professor ABR: Medical Nuclear Physics
2003 Feng, Ching-Mei "Measurement of Physiological Parameters During Brain Activation Using fMRI" Gao Medical Physicist ABR: Diagnostic Radiologic Physics; ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
2003 Ozus, Bahadir "Single and Multiple Quantum Coherences in Biomedical Magnetic Resonance" Clarke Medical Physicist ABR: Diagnostic Radiologic Physics; ABMP: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Physics
2003 Lankipalli, Bhujanga "Computer Model for Studying the Detection of Intraoral Pathology using Digital Radiography" McDavid Medical Physicist ABMP: Diagnostic Imaging Physics; ABMP: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Physics
2003 Medina Velazquez, Luis "Evaluation of the Avidin/Biotin-Liposome System Injected in Pleural Space and Peritoneum for Drug Delivery to Mediastinal Lymph Nodes" Goins Assistant Professor, UNAM, Mexico
2003 Wieckowska, BronislawaE. "Bone Mineral Measurement using X-Ray Spectral Analysis" Waggener Medical Physicist ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
2002 Heintz, Bret "Intra-Operative Dosimetric Evaluation for Transperineal Interstitial Permanent Prostate Implants" Hevezi Medical Physicist ABR: Diagnostic Radiologic Physics; ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
2002 Pongnapang, Napapong "Utility of Myocardial T1 Measurements in the Setting of Progressive Coronary Occlusion" Clarke Assistant Professor, Mahidol University, Bangkok
2001 Kochunov, Peter "Development of Octree Spatial Normalization for Human Brain Mapping" Lancaster Associate Professor of Psychiatry ABMP: MRI Physics
2001 Nickerson, Lisa "Methodology for Rigorous Statistical Comparison of Activations Measured using PET and fMRI" Gao Instructor in Psychiatry
2001 Shelton, Gina L. "Utilization of Electronic Portal Imaging Devices for the Design, Fabrication and Verification of Compensating Devices" Wiatrowski Medical Physicist ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
2000 Liu, Ho-Ling "Development and Application of Perfusion Based Functional MRI" Gao Medical Physicist ABR: Diagnostic Radiologic Physics
2000 Tucker, Jonathan E. "X-Ray Spectral Optimization for Mammography Applications using Signal-to-Noise Ratio" Waggener Medical Physicist ABHP: (Any); ABR: Diagnostic Radiologic Physics
1999 Blough (Miller), Melissa Anne "Comparison of Brachytherapy Dose Distributions based on Transmission Dose Measurements in Order to Quantify Source Motion" Waggener Chief Medical Physicist ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
1999 Dubois, Donald "Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Permanent Prostate Brachytherapy" Bice Medical Physicist ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
1999 Mercier, John R. "Measurement and Monte Carlo Prediction of Diagnostic Tungsten X-ray Spectra" Kopp Radiological Physicist ABR: Diagnostic Radiologic Physics; ABR: Medical Nuclear Physics; Professional Engineer
1999 Prete, James J. "The Tumor Control Probability Model forTransperinealPermanent Prostate Brachytherapy and Prostate-Specific Antigen Failure Free Survival" Bice Medical Physicist ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
1998 Chen, Di "Reconstruction of 6 MV Photon Energy Spectra Utilizing Transit Dosimetry and Evaluation of its Impact on De Novo Dose Calculation in Clinical Dosimetry" Waggener Medical Physicist ABMP: Radiation Oncology Physics; ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
1998 Lee, Nina E.M. Medical Physicist, BAMC ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
1998 Lemen, Lisa C. Assoc. Prof. of Clinical Radiology ABR: Diagnostic Radiologic Physics; ABR: Medical Nuclear Physics; ABMP: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Physics
1998 Orang-Khadivi, Kourosh "Noninvasive In Vivo Characterization of a Breast Tumor Model by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Utility of Water Self-Diffusion, Contrast Agents andmagnetization Transfer techniques" Robert Williams Director, Med Physics & Dosimetry Dept ABMP: Radiation Oncology Physics
1998 Zhang, Xiaoyuan(Sean) Associate Professor, Radiation Physics ABMP: Diagnostic Imaging Physics; ABMP: Radiation Oncology Physics
1996 Gurgoze, ErdalM. "Effects of Tissue Compensators on Dose Uniformity in Breast Irradiation" Bice Chief Medical Physicist ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
1996 Kanal, Kalpana M. "Influence of Globular Protien Conforomation on Cellular Hydration and MRI Contrast" Fullerton Associate Professor of Diagnostic Physics ABR: Diagnostic Radiologic Physics
1996 Keener, Carl "Algorithm for Predicting Peptide Nonideality in Water" Fullerton Medical Physicist ABMP: Diagnostic Imaging Physics; ABR: Diagnostic Radiologic Physics; ABMP: Medical Health Physics; ABR: Medical Nuclear Physics; ABMP: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Physics
1996 Sadeghi, Amir Hevezi Chief of Medical Physics ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
1996 Salter, Bill J. Jr. "The Clinical Potential of High Energy, Intensity and Energy Modulated Electron Beams Optimized by Simulated Annealing for Conformal Radiotherapy" Hevezi Associate Professor & Chief ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
1995 Herndon, Robert Craig "Quantification of White Matter and gray Matter from Magnetic Resonance Images Using Fuzzy Classifiers" Lancaster Medical Physicist ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
1995 Xiong, Jinhu "Optimization of Functional MRI for Clinical Human Brain Mapping" Fox Associate Professor of Radiology
1994 Alyassin, Abdalmajeid "Volume and Surface Measurements from Tomographic Images: In Vivo Validation of an Unsupervised Method" Lancaster Associate Professor, Yarmouk Univ., Jordan
1994 Downs, Joseph Hunter III "A Convex Hull Method for Surface Based Spatial Normalization of the Brain" Lancaster Chief Science Officer
1994 Watts, Ronald "The Effect of Large Field Wedge Filters on Stopping Power Ratios" Hevezi Medical Physicist/Product Manager ABMP: Radiation Oncology Physics; ABR: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics